Institute for Leadership,
and Development
Information skype-session |

On February 12, 2018, an information Skype-session was held at the National Erasmus + office in Ukraine on the development and submission of application packages within Jean Monnet Activities. The event was organized by the National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine (EU Project) in cooperation with the State Institution “Institute of Regional Research named after M. I. Dolishniy of NAS of Ukraine” for interested representatives of scientific research institutions of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in Lviv. |
Seminar on the EU Erasmus+ Programme financial management |

On 13 February 2018 the seminar on financial management in Vinnytsya was organised by NEO-Ukraine jointly with Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University within the British Council project for Vinnitsa universities was provided.
About 50 participants (regional HEIs interested in internationalisation within international project implementation) took part in the event. |
Training sessions and seminar within Erasmus+ DocHub |

On 23-24 January 2018 seminar and training on study programmes development and preparation of their descriptions were held in Institute of higher education, NAESU. 40 participants attended the meeting. The events took place within the framework of EU Erasmus+ Programme DocHub project “Structuring Cooperation in Doctoral Research, Transferrable Skills Training, and Academic Writing instruction in Ukraine's regions” implementation. |
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