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Institute for Leadership,
and Development
International Conference (03.12.2024, online)

On December 3, 2024, the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine hosted the international conference “One Health: The Social Dimension”. The event was held within the framework of the EU Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Module “Integration of EU One Health Policies and Principles in Ukraine”.

More than 150 participants registered for the event – representatives from various organizations and universities in Ukraine and abroad: the World Organization for Animal Health (Paris, France), international and national experts on One Health, food safety, in particular, the WHO Office in Ukraine, the State Institute for Serological Research of Denmark in Copenhagen, the EU One Health Project, the Center for Animal Health and Food Safety of the University of Minnesota, the L.V. Gromashevsky Institute of Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases, the Ukrainian Laboratory of Quality and Safety of Agricultural Products, research institutes and other institutions of Ukraine.

During the event, the Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the NULandES of Ukraine Mykola Tsvilikhovsky opened the conference and emphasized the importance of implementing the One Health concept in the teaching and practice of veterinary medicine.

The Manager of the Jean Monnet Actions of the National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine, Petro KRAINIK, emphasised the role of international educational programs in the formation of interdisciplinary competencies; spoke about the relevance of the topic and the significance of the project’s achievements in the conditions of the russian war against Ukraine and for the post-war restoration of the One Health sphere in Ukraine, about the attention to health issues in the EU Erasmus+ Program, about the social significance and value of the Jean Monnet project in the educational environment, about similar Jean Monnet projects in Ukraine, synergy and inter-project cooperation. The Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work and International Activities, Oleksandr Labenko, emphasized the importance of coordinating the efforts of scientists, practitioners, politicians and the public, thanks to cooperation within the framework of such conferences and the support of the university in the implementation of international projects.

During the event, the participants got acquainted with the speeches and presentations on the topic of the conference and learned about the need to implement innovative approaches for the integration of One Health in Ukraine.

More details about the event at the link: The International Conference “One Health: The Social Dimension” brought together experts from Ukraine and the world.

Prepared using materials from the organizers at the link.


NEO in Ukraine



ILID Projects




Institute for Leadership, Innovations and Development

Mision / Vision

"Genius Temporis"

MISSION – To strengthen professional and organizational leadership and development of governance, management and education by implementation of innovations.

VISION – «ILID» – leader in implementation of innovations for professional and organizational development of governance, management and education.

ILID focus: educational and transformational leadership, open and inclusive education, good governance.



