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Institute for Leadership,
and Development
Visit of the NEO – Ukraine team (13.11.2024, Kyiv)

On 13 November 2024, the National Erasmus+ office – Ukraine team, Svitlana SHYTIKOVA, Coordinator, and Zhanna TALANOVA, Deputy Coordinator and Analytical Manager visited the National Academy of Internal Affairs as part of the intensification and deepening of international cooperation between the Academy and international organisations. During the meeting with the Academy’s leadership, the possibilities and directions of future cooperation with the National Erasmus+ office – Ukraine were discussed, and priority projects that could be launched in the near future were identified.

As part of the activation and deepening of the Academy’s cooperation with international organisations, representatives of the National Erasmus+ office – Ukraine – project coordinator Svitlana Shytikova and her deputy Zhanna Talanova – visited the National Academy of Internal Affairs. The EU Programme Erasmus+ is one of the most effective and influential tools for quality reforms of higher education in Ukraine. Over the years, Ukrainian universities have been using Erasmus+ opportunities to implement academic mobility, create innovative educational programs and methodologies, optimise educational processes, etc. During the meeting with the leadership of the Academy, the possibilities and directions for future cooperation with the National Erasmus+ office – Ukraine were discussed, priority projects that could be started in the near future were determined.

In the context of the implementation of educational programs and participation in grant projects, the guests got acquainted with the educational opportunities of the Academy, and also attended a pre-medical training on the topic «Simulation medicine and scenario-oriented training in emergency care», which takes place within the framework of the EU Erasmus+ project for higher education applicants and involves studying the peculiarities of providing psychological assistance to victims and their family members, as well as self-help in case of emergency situations. The coordinator of this project, which is important in modern conditions, is the Bukovinian State Medical University, with which the Academy has fruitfully cooperated for a long time.

During the training, the trainees acquire knowledge, skills and abilities to provide assistance to victims in the event of respiratory arrest, blockage of the airways by foreign objects, learn to work with a semi-automatic external defibrillator, stop massive bleeding with the help of tourniquets, dress wounds, provide aid and release victims from under the rubble, conduct triage during mass accidents. The participants of the training demonstrated to the guests the practice of situational tasks for providing assistance to virtual victims in the conditions of various emergency situations, created on the basis of the OpenLabyrinth IT platform. At the end of the visit, there was a conversation with the team of «Erasmusians» of the Academy, during which the prospects of further joint work were discussed. Representatives of the National Erasmus+ office – Ukraine highly appreciated the Academy’s contribution to the implementation of European standards in the educational process.


NEO in Ukraine



ILID Projects




Institute for Leadership, Innovations and Development

Mision / Vision

"Genius Temporis"

MISSION – To strengthen professional and organizational leadership and development of governance, management and education by implementation of innovations.

VISION – «ILID» – leader in implementation of innovations for professional and organizational development of governance, management and education.

ILID focus: educational and transformational leadership, open and inclusive education, good governance.



