Round table (21.05.2024, online) |
The event was organised by teachers of the Faculty of Economics and the Faculty of Law of the Zaporizhzhia National University, together with representatives of the National Erasmus+ office in Ukraine. More than 90 participants joined in the event, including representatives of state bodies, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, territorial communities of the Zaporizhzhia region, public organisations and businesses as well as lyceum students and teachers, scientific and teaching staff and students of universities and scientific institutions in the cities of Zaporizhzhia, Kyiv, Lviv, Dnipro, Kharkiv, Poltava with the support of the rectorate of the Zaporizhia National University. Welcoming words to those present were addressed by: the first vice-rector of the Zaporizhzhia National University Oleksandr BONDAR; the deputy director of the department – the head of the Department of Crop Production and Rural Areas of the Department of Agro-Industrial Development of the Zaporizhzhia Regional State Administration Oleksandr YASYNETSKY; acting dean of the Faculty of Economics Valentyna HELMAN; project manager of the Jean Monet direction of the National Erasmus+ office in Ukraine Petro KRAYNIK; professor of the Department of Finance, Banking and Insurance of Zaporizhzhia National University, coordinator of the NEWAGRO project Svitlana KUSHNIR. The representative of the National Erasmus+ office in Ukraine (EU funded project) spoke about the importance and relevance of the topic of the round table within the framework of the Jean Monnet project both in the conditions of the war between russia against Ukraine and during the post-war recovery of Ukraine, about the social significance and value of the Jean Monnet project in the educational environment, in the region, in establishing communication between various stakeholders of the project, about EU support for Ukraine and realisation of available opportunities. Informative reports and presentations were made by: Senior Researcher of the Department of Organization of Scientific Research and Innovative Development of the Institute of Agrarian Economics Halyna STUDINSKA; Vice-Rector of the Zaporizhzhia National University Professor Serhii KUSHNIR; Associate Professor of the Department of Plant Breeding, Breeding and Seed Production at Podilsk State University Lyudmila VILCHYNSKA; Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Law of Zaporizhzhia National University Yaroslav SYDOROV; Head of the Department of Law and Public Affairs of ZIEIT, regional coordinator of the Association of Women Lawyers of Ukraine “YurFem” Hanna GULEVSKA; Associate Professor of the Department of Ukrainian Literature of the Faculty of Philology Zaporizhzhia National University Yulia KURYLOVA; Professor of the Department of Tourism and Hotel and Restaurant Business Zaporizhzhia National University Larisa BEZKOROVAYNA; Senior Lecturer of the Department of Economic Cybernetics of Zaporizhzhia National University Oleg BASHTANNYK; Teacher-methodologist of KZ Zaporizhzhia specialised boarding school II-III levels “Cossack Lyceum” of Zaporizhzhia Regional Council Iryna BURAVSKA; students and lyceum students. The speakers’ attention was focused on: topical issues related to the ecological situation and the importance of supporting agro-biodiversity in Ukraine; the state and prospects for the development of crop and animal husbandry; innovativeness in the branding of Ukrainian products; the analysis of human rights in agribusiness; the impact of gender inequality in the agricultural sector and, in general, the demographic situation as a result of the war in the country; consideration of examples of adaptation of domestic agribusiness, information systems developed by the scientists of Zaporizhzhia National University to ensure sustainable development of the agro-industrial complex of the territories, modern operational possibilities of providing grant and bank financing for the development of rural areas. Details about the event and speakers’ presentations can be found within the link. Prepared using the materials of the Zaporizhzhia National University. Additionally: Information about the project “European integration and sustainable development of rural areas of Ukraine as a guarantee of ensuring food security in the conditions of post-war recovery” (NEWAGRO) The purpose of the project: raising public awareness of EU food policy and bringing Ukraine’s food security system in line with European standards by promoting, supporting and prioritising the restoration and development of rural areas. The relevance of the project is determined, on the one hand, by the key issue of food security, which always occupies a leading position in the overall national security of each country, as it is a prerequisite for the social and economic stability of the state. On the other hand, the need to restore agriculture in view of the consequences of the full-scale war in Ukraine, to help cope with the consequences of destruction and loss of business, to adapt to the new realities of today, to support and prioritise small farming, to attract investment in the newest sectors of the rural economy. This will serve as a prerequisite for the restoration of agricultural areas, the return and employment of the population. Contact person: Coordinator Svitlana Kushnir Website: |
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