Ukrainian NEO joined mission (11-13.07.2023, Brussels) |
The Ukrainian Delegation was represented by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and Ukrainian Universities: Admiral Makarov National Shipbuilding University, Academician Yuriy Bugay International Scientific and Technical University, Chernihiv Polytechnic National University, Mariupol State University, Sumy State University, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. In the framework of the mission, the Estonian Research Council and the Education and Youth Board of Estonia organised a Networking Seminar «Education, Research and Innovation in Ukraine in Time of Martial Law» at the Permanent Representation of Estonia to the EU (Brussels), visits to the Universities, College of Europe and meetings with DG Research, DG EAC and COST office. National Erasmus+ Office – Ukraine Coordinator, participated in the networking seminar and in the meetings with the DG Research and Innovation, DG Education, Youth, Sport and Culture and Cooperation of Science and Technology office. The Networking seminar was aimed at development and support the effectiveness of the Ukrainian higher education and research system by involving the best practices. European networks and support for Ukraine were introduced at the seminar, and the Ukrainian delegation provided an overview of Ukraine’s higher education and research, current status, recovery and perspectives. The International partners presented the opportunities for cooperation and the specific support to Ukraine provided during Martial Law and were interested in the needs of the Ukrainian universities for recovery of Ukraine. All speakers from Ukraine had the possibility to share their Universities experience, challenges and the help needed in order to contribute to the recovery of Ukraine. National Erasmus+ Office – Coordinator presented status, challenges and ideas for Erasmus+ cooperation opportunities during martial law in Ukraine. During the meetings with DGs and COST teams, Ukrainian partners learned about the current initiatives of European Commission to support Ukraine and informed them about the situation in Ukraine, challenges and activities of projects funded by European Commission. They communicated about their needs for further support and events to be organised. It was also a good possibility to strengthen cooperation between Ukrainian partners too. All Ukrainian Universities in the Delegation are active partners in Erasmus+ Programme projects and Ambassadors of Ukraine! Such mission provided the platform to speak about the situation in Ukraine, attract attention to the current needs of universities to respond to the martial law, communication with international organisations, promotion of best practises, opportunities for cooperation and networking. Further activities for participation in different initiatives, e.g. Erasmus+, Horizon Europe, COST and in other opportunities funded by European Commission will be organised for Ukraine in the 2nd part of the year. The National Erasmus+ Office – Ukraine continue active work in synergy with different initiatives and provides support to the Ukrainian partners to apply for calls and implement projects under Erasmus+ Programme. All in all 35 calls for proposals are open for Ukraine! |
MISSION – To strengthen professional and organizational leadership and development of governance, management and education by implementation of innovations.
VISION – «ILID» – leader in implementation of innovations for professional and organizational development of governance, management and education.
ILID focus: educational and transformational leadership, open and inclusive education, good governance.