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Institute for Leadership,
and Development
Presentation within the Career Day (March 16, 2023, online)

On March 16-17, 2023, the EU Career Day was held on the basis of the EU Information Center of the Odesa National Economic University with the support of the EU Representation in Ukraine, which is implemented as part of the project "Information Support of EU Networks in Ukraine". Within the framework of the event, a presentation of the individual opportunities of the EU Erasmus+ Program took place, in particular regarding the development of relevant skills through participation in academic and youth mobility programs and volunteer projects.

EU Career Day is a series of public events where representatives of EU Networks and all active and interested citizens can share their opinions, their own experience regarding the implementation of EU standards and practices in Ukraine, participation in EU programs for the development of new business and educational opportunities, discuss trends in the labor market, in particular with regard to the knowledge and skills that a young person needs to have a successful career.

Anatolii Kovalev, Rector of Odesa National Economic University, addressed the participants with a welcome speech. The moderator was Iryna Shostak, coordinator of the IC of the EU, ONEU.

At the meeting, representatives of various fields of activity shared their experience regarding trends in the modern labor market, discussed the skills and abilities that a young specialist needs in order to get the job of his dreams, to be employed and competitive on the way to European integration. The speakers provided a lot of useful advice on professional development and the development of additional skills that will help overcome socio-economic challenges and become successful in personal and professional life on the way to European integration. As part of the panel discussion, the speakers shared their own experience regarding the implementation of EU standards and practices in Ukraine, participation in EU programs for the development of new educational and business opportunities.

NEO in Ukraine



ILID Projects




Institute for Leadership, Innovations and Development

Mision / Vision

"Genius Temporis"

MISSION – To strengthen professional and organizational leadership and development of governance, management and education by implementation of innovations.

VISION – «ILID» – leader in implementation of innovations for professional and organizational development of governance, management and education.

ILID focus: educational and transformational leadership, open and inclusive education, good governance.



