Institute for Leadership,
and Development
Project title
Education Reforms Office in Ukraine (EROU)
Start year
End year
Project manager
Ms. Svitlana Kalashnikova
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Project goals
1/ To provide organizational support to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (MESU) donor coordination efforts;
2/ to ensure coordination and monitoring of on-going projects and respective coordination of stakeholders involved in projects;
3/ to develop and support Ukraine Education Reforms Portal (database of experts, projects, organizations);
4/ to provide expert and analytical support to MESU in implementation of the reform map;
5/ to prepare new projects in education reforms priority areas and facilitate their implementation.
Key outcomes, publications
- Three Coordination Meetings of MESU International Partners;
- Two Cluster Meetings of MESU International Partners;
- Launch and support of Ukraine Education Reforms Portal: (currently operational under the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine);
- Expert support to MESU State Secretary in organizational transformations of the Ministry; trainings for MESU top-management and staff on strategic capacity development; support to MESU in public discussions on Articles 7 and 10 of the Law on Education;
- Development of Concept for E-Platform for New Ukrainian School; development of Concept Paper on Digitalization of Education; expert support to the development of "Teacher Training and Development Project" (MFA, Finland); participation in the working group on the reform of education funding (secondary and higher education);
- Preparation of eleven project applications for funding education reforms, among them seven have been supported.